Supporting businesses we love


We’re lucky to work and partner with so many incredible businesses here at Little Village Creative. Businesses that have been founded from a seed of inspiration, with someone spotting a clever opportunity or pursuing a dream. Businesses that have been working hard to make great stuff happen not only for their customers, but often the community at large.

During these difficult times, we have been buoyed by the ingenuity of our clients, suppliers and friends who have adapted what they do (and continue to do so) in the face of constant change and uncertainty. We’d like to celebrate them by putting their names up in lights here, and if you feel so inclined we’d encourage you to support them however you can.

Miss Links

Melbourne-based brand Miss Links has created a range of cufflinks with a classically feminine aesthetic. Founder Dianna Butterworth has taken the blank canvas that is the plain fold back cuff and turned it into an art form, lifting it to a whole new level with a choice of cufflinks that are real conversation starters.

The Miss Links range includes delicate dragonflies, classic jewelled-styles, pearls and a classic barbell set. The global icon range features the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and the Empire State Building. Sure, we can’t fly to our favourite European cities right now but there’s nothing to stop us wearing our hearts on our sleeves (especially for Formal Friday - yes, you can still participate even if you are working from home). 


Style Arc

Whether you’re a seasoned sewer or just starting out, the team at Style Arc has put together a vast collection of PDF sewing patterns that you can download and print at home. Their website has simple instructions on how to construct these patterns at home using your A4 printer, or alternatively you can send to your local print store to produce on wide format paper.

Their ranges showcase timeless, fashionable clothes and they’ve created a look book to help you plan an entire wardrobe and get underway.


Field & Function

Melbourne-based group and personal training studio Field & Function have moved quickly to take their lessons online.  They specialise in high intensity, functional and strength training classes and you can stream their sessions online during the shut-down period. Find out more via their website

Consequence of Change

If you’re only leaving the house to go to the supermarket, we reckon that’s a good enough excuse to take your very best arm candy with you. Enter: Consequence of Change. Founded by Beverley Johnson, this Melbourne-based label collaborates with artists, illustrators and designers from around the world to create limited edition bags that stand the test of time.

As of the time of writing (30/3) Consequence of Change are still able to ship your purchases, and you can also go in the draw to win one of their bags (and a whole lot of other goodies) here

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This Perth-based aerial fitness studio are now beaming their unique strength building workouts into your living room. They’ve spun up a page where you can get the low-down on the 5 different workouts available as well as membership options, plus handy ways to adapt your workout when you don’t have the usual equipment available. 

Fang & Fur

This Auckland-based online store offers stylish products for cats, and cat-themed products for their stylish humans. The Fang & Fur website is packed full of unique and wonderful treasures from around the world - think catnip fortune cookies, designer scratchers, t-shirts, tote bags and all the toys, treats and charms your special puss could ever dream of. 

Lock-down restrictions in New Zealand mean that the Fang & Fur team are unable to ship purchases for the time being, however they are offering a generous 25% discount off all orders made during the lock-down period, and they will ensure you get your goodies as soon as possible.


The Conversation

Back to the serious stuff. In times like these, the ability for everyone to access accurate and unbiased news becomes more critical than ever.

Enter: The Conversation. As a free and independent global news website, The Conversation’s evidence-based content is written by academics and edited by journalists, so you can be sure you are reading the facts and nothing else. 

If you want to receive up-to-date evidence-based news, then we’d encourage you to subscribe to their newsletter for regular updates. 


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